Add Another Rule List to the Policy ----------------------------------- Use the **Policies** page to add the new firewall rule list to the **rd_0_policy**. Open the **Security > Network Firewall > Policies** page. Click on the policy name to modify the policy. The only current active rule list is for the **web_policy**. Click on the arrow next to **Add Rule List, then select, Add the rule list AT END)** to add the new rule list you just created. For **Name** begin typing ‘application_rule_list’, select /Common/application_rule_list, then click **Done Editing**. Remember to Commit the changes to system before proceeding. Once completed, you should see a policy similar to the one below: |image215| Review the rules that are now applied to this route domain by navigating to: **Security > Network Firewall > Active Rules.** From the **Context Filter** select **Route Domain 0**. Click on the **Add Rule List to Global** from the upper right corner of the screen and click **Cancel** (note:this is a GUI bug) Click on the **Add Rule List to Route Domain** from the upper right corner of the screen and click **Cancel** (note:this is a GUI bug) your screen should show the web_rule _list you assigned earlier through the Route Domain Screen. |image212| .. |image215| image:: /_static/class1/image215.png :width: 6.5in :height: 2.66667in .. |image212| image:: /_static/class1/image210.png :width: 6.5in :height: 3in